In His Presence Teen Bible Study
Alysa VanderWeerd

Alysa VanderWeerd is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Community Care and Counseling: Family & Marriage at Liberty University. She has her Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in English from the University of California – Irvine, and her Master of Arts in History from the University of California – Riverside. A life long student whether at God’s feet, in the classroom, in the pew, at a workplace or on the street – she loves sharing her knowledge acquired and God given wisdom in a way that is inviting and inspiring; encouraging people in the Lord, while exhorting them to live like Christ in this world. As 1 John 4:17 NLT says, “And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.”

A List of Books by Alysa VanderWeerd


Books by Alysa VanderWeerd


Life. Continues


Books by Alysa VanderWeerd

Mountaintop Mornings

Books by Alysa VanderWeerd

Mountaintop Mornings for Forty Days

Book of Quotations

The Right Tools Volume 1

The Right Tools Volume 1

In His Presence Teen Bible Study series

Books by Alysa VanderWeerd

Redeeming the Time: Psalm 16:11 (Girls curriculum)

Books by Alysa VanderWeerd

Redeeming the Time: Psalm 16:11 (Boys curriculum)

Books by Alysa VanderWeerd

Radical Living: the Book of James

The End: The Book of Revelation

The End: the Book of Revelation

A Flash of Insight Christian Bible Commentary series


Revival of the Hearts 2 Chronicles 7:14

Revival of the Hearts