Defend the faith

February 2 | Defend the Faith – Jude 3 | Daily Devotion


“Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.” Jude 3 NLT

Have you ever had the desire to do something, or to share something specific with someone and then more pressing matters arose – that call to triage priorities.

What is the most important matter to take care of first?

This is a life principle.

It’s important to understand why some matters take precedence over others. Why priorities can change. The urgency of a matter is important– the time frame of something being dealt with, in order to prevent future issues.

This is actually difficult for many people in life, in general. Change is difficult. Some thrive on change. Others do not, they resist it. Their mind is set on what they want to do, or what they want to receive. They are not always on the same page as others mentally– thus do not understand the “why” behind the decision that brought about change. They are the ones who cannot handle the word, “No.” Which is a needed vocabulary word for humanity as a whole.

The truth is – we do not always get what we want. We do not always get to do what we want to do. We do experience rejection in life and we need to face it with the peace that God brings. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. In life, God really does stretch us in these moments and our hearts are revealed, as well as our mind’s resiliency. This truth is witnessed in many different life situations found in families, churches to careers. The need for the ability to adapt with mental flexibility to handle the most pressing need.

For pastors, their role is to care for the souls of the people in the church. That is the utmost importance. So here we see Jude, who would LOVE to talk about the salvation Christians all share, to expound upon the fact that with salvation we are delivered from the power and effects of sin through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection. And how this is witnessed in our life and when we bear the fruit of our salvation, we show we are disciples of Jesus Christ and we bring God glory as John 15:8 states.

That fun discussion filled with encouragement, right?

But Jude was concerned for the well-being of Christians who were being manipulated by false teachers and he states, “I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.”

Jude felt the urgency to discuss the false teachers rising up, infiltrating the churches, subtly encouraging people to compromise in their faith, turning away from Jesus Christ.

He tells these Christians – defend the faith God entrusted once for all time to his holy people.

While we Christians walk this earth, we are entrusted with the Christian faith to steward and guard. It’s not just for the role of pastor. We Christians are a chosen people, we are royal priests – we are a holy nation – we are God’s special possession, so that we can show the goodness of God for He called us out of darkness into His wonderful light – 1 Peter 2:9.

We defend the faith by way of our example – how we live our life, reveals what a holy nation looks like. Eight times in Scripture God says, “Be holy, for I am holy.” We need to realize the reason behind God’s command.

We need to realize Satan will never have more power than a holy nation. A holy nation holds God’s power to subdue Satan.

Thus, our life example is to be holy – holiness is to be found in our speech, conduct, faith in Jesus Christ, our love and our purity – 1 Timothy 4:12.

How do we live a holy life, which is perfection like Christ? We live our lives repenting of sin, with eyes focused on Jesus Christ submitted unto His Sovereignty.

  • We defend the faith with our speech, we do not concede to false doctrine but rebuke it with the word of God – like Jesus, who states in Revelation 2:16 “I will fight against false teaching with the sword of my mouth,” we battle false teaching with the sword, the word of God.
  • We defend the faith with our conduct, saying no to sin.
  • We defend the faith, by living out our faith in Jesus Christ remaining right before Him by way of repenting of sin and receiving His forgiveness. Jesus Christ remains Savior.
  • We defend the faith by loving God and loving people.
  • We defend the faith by way of our purity – we choose to obey Jesus Christ over the temptations of the world, while repenting of sin.

Today, do you see the need to defend the Christian faith?

How is God calling you to live out your faith?

Prayer: Abba, thank You for the book of Jude, please fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we can defend the faith with the wisdom You enlighten us with. In Jesus’ name, Amen.