January 4 - Daily Devotion | A Matter of the Heart
"Believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them. And those who are rich should boast that God has humbled them. They will fade away like a little flower in the field. The hot sun rises and the grass withers; the little flower droops and falls, and its beauty fades away. In the same way, the rich will fade away with all their achievements." James 1:9-11 NLT
It's a matter of the heart - Does your sense of security reside in Jesus Christ or in material wealth, career, achievements, position over people, or in social status?
James 1:9 PHILLIPS says, "The brother who is poor may be glad because God has called him to the true riches."
The poor are rich in faith. Their sense of security is in Christ alone.
Truly, Jesus is enough in the grand scheme of things. Everything on earth will fade away, but Jesus Christ remains eternal. Like Paul in Philippians 4:11-13 NLT can we say, "I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength"?
Jesus Christ gives us the strength and ability in our current situation to live a life honoring Him and glorifying Him.
Today, do you feel entitled to certain material things? Do you get upset if you are unable to buy what you want or if someone doesn't give you what you want? Or maybe you feel entitled to a position. Or even entitled to a specific position over someone. Or maybe you believe you deserve to make a certain amount of money in your career. Would you leave a job you know God placed you in because you didn’t make the money you believed you deserved? If so, one would question whether you are truly called to that position. God’s calling and His will for our lives is not dependent on money or material possessions or career or position over people or social status. Those are all fleeting and not eternal.
What we feel entitled to is directly related to where our sense of security resides.
If we truly believed God's Word, we would know that no matter the situation He has promised to always provide for us—Philippians 4:19 and He gives us the wisdom that we need for what's before us. So today, is your focus on Jesus or on money, career, achievements, position over people, or social status?
Our society has become consumed with material wealth, possessions, influencing, careers and social status. If we are not careful, we can easily lose focus and get caught up in the world's way - taking the gifts but forgetting the Giver. Many want the created but not the Creator. If you can’t give up the possessions that you have, you don’t own them. They own you. It’s a matter of the heart. Jesus desires for us to be free from sin and the things that enslave us—1 John 5:21. So, He will allow a trial in your life to see who reigns in your heart: Christ or material wealth or career or social status. Rejoice for being tested in this area! God knows your heart—Psalm 139:23, but He wants you to know what you value most.
You are blessed to be a blessing. Your security lies in Christ, not material wealth, career, achievements, position over people or social status. Real security does not fluctuate and is everlasting. Material possessions are temporary; your relationship with Christ is eternal. Genuine faith is not always comfortable. But every trial of our faith proves the faithfulness of God—2 Timothy 2:13. So, “stay away from the love of money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never forsake you’”—Hebrews 13:5 NLT.
Today, where does your sense of security reside?
Prayer: Abba, Jesus is enough. Thank You for the indescribable gift. In Jesus' name, Amen.