Relentless prayer is a relentless pursuit in seeing God’s will done on earth.

“Jesus says, ‘If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth’ – John 14:15-17 NLT. We display our love for God by our obedience to Him and His word. Everything God commands, He provides our ability to live; in this way we are encouraged to seek Him and depend upon Him – loving Him.

A life of dependence upon the Lord is a life that walks in the fear of the Lord; recognizing God’s Sovereignty, obeying Him out of our love for Him – He reigns always and is holy, loving, and just. Therefore, when our hearts and minds turn from evil we reveal our understanding of why God does not want us blatantly sinning, expecting blessing This verse (Proverbs 28:9) reveals God’s hatred for sin’s manipulation. Truly, this action of empty prayer with expectation of blessing reveal’s one’s lack of knowledge of God, lack of love for God, and a lack of fearing the Lord – specific elements that when positively lived characterize the Christian life.” – excerpt taken from Revival of the Hearts by Alysa VanderWeerd


Kyle Rittenhouse Trial – Praying for the right thing to be done in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial; for wisdom on the part of the jury, safety as the trial ensues, wisdom on the part of the judge and the prosecuting and defense lawyers.

“Fear of the LORD is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape from the snares of death.” Proverbs 14:27 NLT


Praying for pastors and teachers to teach God’s word, with right motive as pure vessels unto Him; sharing truth so that the people can grow in faith. And praying for non-believers to attend church this weekend and for them to hear the Good News and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

“Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.” Romans 10:17

All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13


Abba! Praying for Your will to be done in the lives of Your people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.