Relentless Prayer

I have started Relentless Prayer as an outlet of encouragement, for those struggling or needing a friend to remind them to not give up on praying for that burden that has not left their heart. There is a very real enemy out there who tries to defeat and stop a good thing- 1 Peter 5:8. But God! I love watching God show up in a situation, don’t you? That divine interruption; so normal yet so supernatural. That sweet answer to pray. Some prayers feel forever prayed, and the weakness that overcomes one trying to press on is real. Knees feel bruised from kneeling on them so often. You wonder if you’ve worn holes in the carpet where you fall down to pray when the burden is overwhelming. It always helps to have someone come alongside to help lift up those weary hands in praise and thanks to the King of Kings. Praising Him in advance for the answer to come.

We all need prayer. Your family and friends; your church and spiritual leaders; your workplace and co-workers, our nation and government and those first responders that step into any situation ready to save. Prayer draws us into the presence of the One who moves mountains. It brings us to our knees in humble surrender. God is on the throne and we can fearlessly enter His presence, assured of His glad welcome, because of our faith in Jesus Christ- Ephesians 3:12.

Friend, we can fearlessly enter in to the throne room of grace! God is waiting to hear our next whispered word. He bends down to listen to us, He loves us so much- Psalm 116:1-2. What’s the burden on your heart? Don’t give up, friend. Keep praying. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can even think or imagine in the life of your loved one, in your church, in our nation- Ephesians 3:20.

Will you pray with me?

Abba! You see the hearts of those longing for a miracle. A touch from You. Would You reach down today and minister to that heart that is relentlessly praying and seeking You? You give us so many promises to cling to Lord, and we thank You for them. They hold us steady when we are swaying. You are our Rock of Refuge. Today, Lord, we’re praying for those who are on the verge of giving up. Remind them to not give up. You are with them. You love them. Open their eyes to how much You love them! You are chasing after those wandering, restoring them to Yourself- James 5:19-20. Thank You Lord for the salvation of those. And thank You for lifting the hands of the weary, being present in their moment of need! We are Yours. Please fill us with the Holy Spirit so we are ready to reach many in the name of Jesus. Thank You in advance for the answers to come. We love You so much! In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

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