Praying for Police

Relentless Prayer – Prayer List 10/26/21

Relentless prayer is a relentless pursuit in seeing God’s will done on earth.

“There are times we may approach Him and we spend the entire time talking and petitioning for needs. We absolutely need to petition for our needs and others’ needs; but we also need to sit and listen in adoration. No words out of our mouth – simply listening to Him speak over us and to us; for His words are stronger than any person’s words. The words out of the mouth of family, friends, pastors, and spiritual leaders have their place in our life, as God speaks through them; but God does not speak through every person and we need to hear His words over hateful speech.

We need to remember – ‘The world’s hatred is weak in comparison to God’s love.’ (VanderWeerd, A. (2018), Mountaintop Mornings, pg. 389.)

When we know God’s voice, we know when He is speaking through people and when He is not; this spiritual discernment comes from abiding in His presence – John 15:7; Proverbs 20:12. The world will hate us, but God has given us everything we need in Jesus Christ to overcome all hatred. God’s voice in our ear gives us the words, helping us respond exuding His love – Romans 12:20-21.” – excerpt taken from Revival of the Hearts, by Alysa VanderWeerd


Child Welfare Agency – Praying for those working for the Child Welfare Agency to have the eyes to see and ears to hear in regards to the children’s well-being, protecting children from abuse and homicide.

“Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3 NLT

COVID-19 patients and “brain fog” – Praying for healing for all who have had COVID-19 and have experienced a “brain fog,” struggling with memory recall or memory encoding.

“O LORD my God I cried out to You and you healed me.” Psalm 30:2

Haiti’s Police – Praying for the Haitian government to allot the police the money that is needed, so that they have the equipment and salary needed; and for wisdom for the police in eliminating the rise in the gangs; and for people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James 1:5 NLT


Abba, You see all of the children who are suffering today from abusive homes, or bullying, or cyber-bullying. You see those suffering silently, and You see those crying out for help. We ask Lord for You to place the right people in their path to help them; open the eyes and ears of Christians, child welfare workers, social workers, the police, and neighbors. You call us to help those in distress – James 1:27, and so we ask for people to be proactive in helping others who are suffering. Lord, You also see all those who have experienced COVID-19 and are suffering with their memory, they may feel like they have a brain fog; we ask that You place a hand of healing on them and that they experience a restoration of memory functioning. And King, You see the needs the Haitian police have. Gangs have risen up in the streets and seek to take over. You know every Christian in Haiti, and those who are being reached in Jesus’ name. We ask, Lord, for the Haitian government to see the needs of their people and to wisely allot the money so that there is not unequal distribution of funds. Praying for strength for the police and thanking You Lord for all that You are doing in the lives of Your own. May non-believers see Your wisdom in the church found in Jesus Christ, as Your purpose is to use the church to display Your wisdom – Ephesians 3:10. Your wisdom draws people. People long for what is right. Thank You Lord, we pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen.